Meaning of Journeys of Return logo and name

The lotus flower represents beauty, spiritual awakening, clarity and prosperity. The earth is a metaphor for our nurturance, connection, and life. JOR is rediscovering where we belong and how to navigate our way back home. Our logo illustrates the spiritual journey of returning to our center to find our inner wisdom, purpose and to reclaim ourselves.

“Journeys of Return” means a “return” to balance, harmony and all life-giving longings that awaken our humanness. This state of peace or homeostasis within us and within the community of beings that share our surroundings is what gives us a sense of belonging, purpose, and joy, even in the midst of challenging circumstances. We all long for safety and connection—connection to our ancestral roots, the Earth, and others. We want to build community, give others hope, find meaning in our personal histories, have a sense of direction in life, and control our own destinies. We yearn for love, ritual, spirituality, and celebration.

JOR has been designed to move through four phases following the four directions of the “Medicine Wheel,” an ancient symbol found around the world and the Native American symbol for wholeness, integration, and balance. In our program we take our participants on a personal journey of growth and self-discovery and a literal journey overseas to discover ancient lands that still preserve many of these “lost” human yearnings. We expand more about the therapeutic process on our APPROACH page.

JOR Mission

Through inner exploration and travel to sacred lands, we offer our clients the opportunity to reclaim the lost experience of safety and belonging, which represents our inner and outer sanctuary. Once we restore our essence of being fully human, we are ready to move into seeking emotional harmony, acquiring our sense of empowerment and becoming a vehicle of service in the world.  

JOR Vision

Our long-term vision is to help raise the level of consciousness within our community and to reconnect with ourselves, others and the global community. Our ultimate aspiration is to heal and be an integral agent in creating a safe, holistic, fair, just and equal society.